ICT clubs Topics with activities per week.
Welcome to the 1 Year ICT Club Activity Plan, a comprehensive guide for teachers and club leaders who want to...
Welcome to the 1 Year ICT Club Activity Plan, a comprehensive guide for teachers and club leaders who want to...
Following the previous letter invite dated 3rd July, 2022 to St. Mary’s College Rushoroza for School ICT Club Website Challenge...
St. Mary’s College Rushoroza, as a host of the event that took place in the Kigezi Region opened the floor...
The District School ICT Club Website Competition is an initiative to promote the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)...
The ICT Club of St Henry College Kitovu joins the growing network of ICT clubs in the country. This is...
Kambuga SS joins the several schools kickstarting ICT Club with over 40 students joining. The headteacher of Kambuga SS receives...
Launch at Dzaipi Secondary school in Adjumani district near Pakelle Refugee camp
It was a powerful launch and big plans for Butsibo Secondary school in Shema District. We appreciate the support of...