Kickstarting the ICT Club: Introduction to Computers and Getting to Know Each Other


Week 1: Introduction to ICT Club

In your first meeting as a club, you may have students from different classes and you need to know each and collaborate well. Here are a few icebreakers and games to help everyone get to know each other’s names and interests in the ICT club during the first meeting. Here are some ideas:

Two Truths and a Lie” – In this game, each person shares three statements about themselves – two of which are true, and one which is a lie. The other members of the group then try to guess which statement is the lie. This game not only helps everyone learn each other’s names, but also gives a chance to share some interesting facts about themselves and their interests.

Name Bingo” – Create a bingo card with a grid of boxes containing different characteristics such as “Has a pet”, “Likes to code”, “Plays video games”, “Plays a musical instrument”, etc. Ask everyone to walk around and find someone who matches each characteristic and write their name in the corresponding box. The first person to fill their entire bingo card wins.

Group Storytelling” – This game involves each person adding a sentence or two to a story, with each person building on the previous person’s contribution. To start, the first person shares a sentence about themselves, such as “Hi, my name is Edith and I love playing video games.”

The next person then adds a sentence about themselves and builds on the previous sentence, such as “Hi, my name is Peter and I also love playing video games, especially first-person shooters.” This game is a great way for everyone to share a bit about themselves and their interests.

Human Knot” – This physical game involves standing in a circle and everyone reaching out and holding hands with two different people.

Without letting go of hands, the group then has to untangle themselves into a circle again. This game requires communication and teamwork, and can be a fun way to break the ice and get everyone working together.

We hope these ideas help you plan a fun and engaging first meeting for your ICT club!

Next Topic: Club Orientation: Discuss goals and objectives, schedule, and activities for the year.

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